Myofascial Release Series: Introduction

0 August 15, 2018

Authors: Anil Verma, K Mrityunjay, Deepak Chhabra Myofascial Release is a specialised physical and manual therapy used for the effective treatment and rehabilitation of soft tissue and fascial tension and restrictions. ‘Myo’ means muscle and ‘fascia’ means band. Fascia, an embryological connective tissue, is a 3D continuous web of elastin and collagen fibres surrounded by a viscous fluid called the ground substance. These two fibre types allow it to be very strong yet have a high degree of flexibility whilst the ground substance is a fluid transportation medium and acts a slide and glide mechanism between structures. Fascia surrounds, infuses and protects every other tissue, tendon, muscle, bone, ligament and organ of the body. In healthy conditions the fascial system is relaxed and wavy in configuration. This provides a cushioning and supportive mechanism allowing us to move safely without restrictionor pain. Fascia is also dynamic in nature, it responds to internal and external forces applied on it meeting the resistance in order to protect. img-gen63   Research has proven that fascia, like muscle, has the abilityto contract and relax and plays a major role in mobility and stability of joints. Fascia acts as a